My Body Transformation Part 3: Days 9-16
For Part 1 of this series, click here.
For Part 2 of this series, click here.
Progress has continued through the second stage of the diet, helped partly by a change in the training program.
Day 9
The only change nutritionally has been swapping out the Fenuplex in my supplement protocol with Insulin Plex 2.0. Other than that everything is the same.
Day 10
Noticed that if I go more than a day or two without a significant source of red meat, my appetite goes through the roof and I feel like I’m never full. I’m making sure that I’m getting at least 16oz of red meat every few days. I tried bison burgers from Whole Foods for the first time, which were fantastic. I can see making a semi-regular trip to pick those up.
Day 11
Nothing big – Christine and the boys were out of town all weekend at my parents’ so I spent Sunday doing some busywork for the gym and getting caught up on some reading.
Day 12
Started a new block of training today, which looks like this:
A-1 Cyclists Back Squats 4 sets: 10, 12, 15, 20 reps on 2010 tempo, rest interval 90 seconds
A-2 Glute/ham raises feet inward 4 sets x 6-8 reps on 40X0 tempo, rest interval 75 secondsB-1 Lunges 4 sets: 10, 12, 15, 20 reps on 20X0 tempo, rest interval 90 seconds
B-2 Romanian Deadlifts 4 sets x 10-12 reps on 4020 tempo, rest interval 75 seconds
C-1 Standing Calf Raises 3 sets: 12, 15, 20 reps on 1110 tempo, rest interval 60 seconds
C-2 low Cable Pull-ins 2 x 10-12 reps on 2020 tempo, rest interval 60 seconds
Tuesday & Friday
A-1 Incline Dumbbell Presses 4 sets: 8, 10, 12, 15, on 3010 tempo, rest interval 75 seconds
A-2 Close Grip Chin-ups 4 x 8-10 reps on 4010 tempo, rest interval 75 seconds
B-1 Decline Dumbbell Presses 3 x 10-12 reps on 3010 tempo, rest interval 75 seconds
B-2 One Arm Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8-10 reps on 4010 tempo, rest interval 75 seconds
C-1 Decline Pronating Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 3 x 10-12 reps on 3110 tempo, rest interval 75 seconds
C-2 Seated Off-set Dumbbell Curls 3 x 8-10 reps on 3010 tempo, rest interval 75 seconds
Day 13
Some more noticeable visual changes, especially through the legs and calves.
Day 14
Last day of eliminating all carbs but fibrous vegetables. No energy issues, although it was an off day from training.
Day 15
Instead of making the day a full-blown cheat day, I opted to just have a cheat meal with the kids at night – 3 slices of pizza. Not the most ideal cheat – it’s still recommended to avoid things like dairy and gluten with cheat meals because they’re very common food intolerances. A better choice would have been something like Chinese food – high in carbs but low in potential allergens.
I also started adding berries to breakfast on an as-desired basis, and will add in a new carb source every week after my measurements are taken, and as long as the numbers keep dropping, I’ll add in a new source to a new meal the following week. If it doesn’t go down, then I’ll take the carbs back out of that meal and recheck progress. It’s an easy way to figure out roughly how many carbs your body can tolerate without adding bodyfat.
Day 16
Weekly measurements:
Weight – 159.8 to 160.0 (up 0.2lbs)
Lean Body Mass – 138.5 to 140.3 (up 1.8lbs)
Bodyfat % – 13.3 to 12.3 (down 1.0%)
So even though scale weight didn’t change significantly, being up 1.8lbs of lean body mass means I lost about 1.6lbs of fat over the week as well.
Even though progress is a little slower than the first week, I’m still happy with the changes – being down 3.5% bodyfat in 2 weeks is pretty solid. The hope for next week is to be close to 11%. Based on my new BioSignature results, insulin resistance is no longer a large priority for me, so I won’t stay on the insulin protocol for any longer than the initial 32 day period. If everything stays the same as it is now, the next thing to attack is xenoestrogens in the blood, likely plastics from years of reheating food in Tupperware containers and pre-packaged plastic containers.