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My Body Transformation Part 1: The Setup

The following is a breakdown of a 32-day protocol I am using to drop my bodyfat by about half to get lean for summer. While I hate the work involved in a diet, I also would rather get it over with. I got a little higher than I like to be while I was training for a powerlifting competition (up to 15.9% just prior to the meet), and should finish at around 8-10% by the time I’m finished.

Here are general run-throughs of the big 3 components of any physical transformation protocol – nutrition, training, and supplementation.

Arguably the most important component in dropping bodyfat, I’m following a strict Paleo diet. That means animal protein, nuts, and vegetables. Fruit is allowed on a conventional Paleo diet (more of a lifestyle change than a diet) but I don’t like to use it for fast fat loss unless somebody really, really needs it. Usually, if your bodyfat percentage is over 10%, you don’t. And yes, I did use the magic word – diet. I want to get this over with so I’m not making adjustments, I’m dieting. I am not, however, restricting calories, only food types. Calories are probably between 2,000 and 2,700 a day at a starting bodyweight of 164lbs. I’ll have one cheat meal every 4-5 days depending on how I feel throughout the 32 days, maybe less if I like how things are going.

Training is focused around hypertrophy, or muscle growth. It is possible to add muscle and lose fat at the same time as long as calories aren’t extremely restricted. I’m using moderate reps (6-12), lots of sets, decent rest, and putting focus on maintaining consistent tempo. I’m about halfway through a 6-week block of training at the start, so training won’t change too much for the first 3 weeks, then I’ll make a few modifications the last 10-12 days. All of the workouts are designed by Charles Poliquin.






A good training program is part of, but not the only, answer.




While you don’t need supplements to get lean, I’m using them. For two reasons: 1) they help, and 2) I’m a wholesaler and don’t have to spend a ton on them. However, everything I listed below are things that 90% of people should be taking year-round, with the exception of the Insulinomics and Fenuplex.

Here is my daily supplement use (all supplements are from the Poliquin line, but there are other good brands you can substitute):

2 Multi Intense (multi-vitamin)
2 Ultra HCl 4.0 (Betaine HCl to aid in digestion)
1/2 tsp Omega 3 Liquid (liquid fish oil)
2 Insulinomics
2 Fenuplex

Both the Insulinomics and the Fenuplex are used to help increase insulin sensitivity and increase fat metabolism. The Fenuplex will get rotated with other similar products every 8 days.

Morning Snack
2 Ultra HCl 4.0
2 Omega 3 6:1 (fish oil capsules high in EPA to keep inflammation low)

Same as breakfast

Afternoon Snack
Same as morning

Same as breakfast and lunch plus:
4 Uber Mag Px (magnesium to aid in sleep quality)

Evening Snack
Same as morning and afternoon plus:
4 Uber Mag Px

I will post another update later this week – Day 8 is this Friday so I’ll have bodyfat comparisons and progress pics.

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